
Tax & Finance

Trusts and Estates

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Exclusive interviews

Pauline Wallace, chair, UK Endorsement Board

World Accounting Report recently sat down with chair of the UK Endorsement Board Pauline Wallace to discuss the Board's broad range of activities, including its research on contemporary accounting issues. The interview can be accessed here

This is the latest in WAR's series of exclusive personality profiles. Readers wishing to revisit previous features can do so using the links below. 

Michael Izza, outgoing CEO of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales click here

Andreas Barckow, chair of the IASB, Part 1 click here and Part 2 click here

Jean-Paul Gauzès, former president of EFRAG click here

Hans Hoogervorst, former chair of the IASB click here

World Accounting Report

News and analysis

IASB discusses climate-related uncertainties
Online Published Date:  30 Apr 2024


Climate risk continues to be a concern for companies and regulators
Online Published Date:  30 Apr 2024

Reporting the effect of climate commitments in financial statements

IFRS Interpretations Committee discusses feedback on tentative agenda decision
Online Published Date:  30 Apr 2024

Tax and Finance Search

Trusts and Estates

The taxation of foreign domiciliaries from April 2025

Reforming the current regime - risks and proposals
Online Published Date:  30 Jun 2024

Arbitration and trust disputes

Grosskopf v Grosskopf and Others [2024] EWHC 291 (Ch)
Online Published Date:  30 Jun 2024

Deathbed gifts of registered land (donatio mortis causa)

Rahmen v Hassan and Others [2024] EWHC 1290 (Ch)
Online Published Date:  30 Jun 2024

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