
Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly


UNDERSTANDING CONTRACT LAW by J. N. Adams, LL.B., Barrister, Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Kent at Canterbury, and R. Brownsword, LL. B., Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Sheffield. Fontana Press, London (1987, xvii and 199 pp., plus 4 pp. Bibliography and vii pp. Index). Paperback £4.95.
Understanding Contract Law is part of the Understanding Law series, edited by J. A. G. Griffith. According to the Editor’s Preface, the books are written for general readers and law students about to study a subject, such as contract, at university. The aim is to give such readers both a broad perspective and a general understanding of the subject. The Authors’ Preface takes up the challenge by stating their intention to take account not only of the rules and principles of contract law but also the commercial, economic and social background against which the law operates. The metaphor employed is that of a map allowing students to locate traditional textbook material within a theoretical landscape. Given the vastness of the subject, they say, the map will be a rough motoring one, rather than a walking map. However, in evaluating their own product, they seem to leave the vehicle: “Whilst we start with our feet very firmly on the ground, we end up heading for the epistemological stratosphere …” (p. 11). There are those who would say that the reason for this is that the car has simply gone out of control and left the road. Although it fits the metaphor, that would be too hasty a judgment.
Understanding Contract Law contains 10 chapters, divided into three parts entitled: “Groundwork”, “The Judges and the Rule Book” and “The Rule Book and the Transformation of Contract”. Within this structure the authors are able to explain some of the standard rules and principles of contract, to give an outline of the history of the subject and its


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